Title: English Language & Literature
Date : 03rd & 4th June 2024
Venue: Matrix Academy School
Venue Director: Mrs. Seema Behal ( Principal, Matrix Academy School)
Resource Person: Mr. Ashish S. Kate (Principal, Atma Malik International School, Thane)
The primary objectives of the Training Programme :
- To develop LSRW skills in the English Language.
- To provide hands-on experience in creative writing.
- To improve participants proficiency in English Grammar, vocabulary, and Teaching
- To foster a deeper appreciation for English literature.
- Designing learning outcomes.
- Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
- Study curriculum of English activities.
- Introduction to various classroom activities.
- Bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge, literature, and practical classroom
Key takeaways of the Training ProgrammeÁ
- Enhanced understanding of English Language and literature.
- Linguistic aspects.
- Acquisition of practical skills and strategies for language proficiency.
- Appreciation of diverse forms, styles and themes.